Karstology – hydrology team


One of the targets for the hydrologists will be to identify the hydrological regime of the Arguni Bay, a complex ecosystem on the fringes of the Lengguru karst, which hosts many endemic species. The second target will be to carry out the comprehensive bathymetry of the endhoreic Kamaka Lake in order to better understand the fluctuations of its fill levels, which can reach several tens of metres despite the alternating monsoons.

The main targets for the cavists, as far as they are concerned, are to explore the underground networks of the Berari massif and the springs and resurgences of high Lengguru. Beyond mapping and caving, these targets will also enable biologists to access these extreme environments.

Grotte Jabuenggara © Bruno Fromento

Jabuenggara grotto
© Bruno Fromento

Team members

Team leader Guilhem Maistre Engineer Logistic and caving CENOTE France
Bernard Pouyaud Engineer Hydrology, bathymetry, speed-boat pilot IRD France
Bruno Fromento Technician Caving, security, biological sampling CENOTE France
Hubert Camus Scientist Geology, caving, underground cartography CENOTE France
Jean-Marc Porte photographer Photography IRD France
Jean-Pierre Bricquet Engineer Hydrology, bathymetry IRD France
Johan Jouves Scientist Caving, security CENOTE France