Lengguru 2014 expedition

The LENGGURU 2014 expedition will work in Papua from 21st January to 6th March 2014. under the leadership of the Institute for Research and Development (IRD), the Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) and the Akademi Perikanan Sorong, and with the support of COLAS, this expedition will bring together nearly 90 European and Indonesian scientists.

A hot spot of unique and still unknown biodiversity

For millions of years, the Papua karst formations have evolved as a result of complex tectonic movements. These unexplored regions, epitomized by a specific geological history and a mosaic of original ecosystems, are reservoirs of unique biodiversity and host a large number of endemic species.

A preliminary expedition instigated in 2010 has lead to a first identification of the extraordinary biodiversity of the Western Papua karsts. The LENGGURU 2014 expedition will complement these initial findings by broadening the spectrum of analysis. It will lead to a better understanding of the processes involved in the set up and maintenance of the biological diversity in extremely specific ecosystems.

A sustainable and responsible partnership

The scientific expedition is based on a sustainable partnership with Indonesia, and set within the framework of the Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization  (ABS) protocol, as agreed at the 2010 Conference on biological diversity in Nagoya.

Raising youth and general public awareness

A unique scientific and human adventure, the expedition is an opportunity to raise public awareness, with a focus on the younger generation, about the role played by biodiversity research and preservation. Numerous exhibitions and educational events will be held in France, Indonesia and Papua. Satellite links will allow the public to connect directly with the scientists on the expedition sites.