Birds in Lobo

Research teams left Lobo on Friday 31th October, an opportunity to review the field work so far. Here is an abstract on birds, By Hidayat Ashari & Suparno, Christophe Thébaud and Borja Mila The Lengguru area, with the Lengguru River as the main river, is an interesting spot for bird watching. In the Lobo area, several habitat types can be … Continue reading

Insects (Odonata) in Lobo

Research teams left Lobo on Friday 31th October, an opportunity to review the field work so far. Here is an abstract on insects, By Pungki Lupiyaningdyah & Endang Cholik In Lobo, the Indonesian team only focused on Odonata (dragonflies). As there are presently no Odonata from the Lengguru region in the collections of the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, this expedition is … Continue reading

Terrestrial mammals in Lobo

Research teams left Lobo on Friday 31th October, an opportunity to review the field work so far. Here is an abstract on terrestrial mammals, By Gono Semiadi, Nanang Supriatna and Apandi Target groups are rodents, bats and marsupials. The team was not able to spot any marsupial in Lobo, thus this taxon is not mentioned hereafter.